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Wine Ageing Cabinets CALICE

Calice -

Our Single Temperature Wine Cabinets are specially designed for the process of Ageing and Preserving Wines in optimal conditions. They offer a homogeny temperature between 10°C and 14°C, a constant hygrometry between 50% and 80% and odorless air circulation. Also, they're vibration free, and protected from light exposure. Please note that all types of wine age and are preserved at the same temperature.


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Wine Ageing Cabinets CALICE 52 result(s)

Freestanding single temperature wine cabinet for storage or service - Standing bottles CALICE

Freestanding single temperature wine cabinet for storage or service - Standing bottles

Capacity : 98 bottles CALICE METAL BLACK

4728,00 € INCL TAX

Single temperature freestanding wine cabinet for storage or service  CALICE

Single temperature freestanding wine cabinet for storage or service

Capacity : 134 bottles CALICE METAL BLACK

5640,00 € INCL TAX

Single temperature wine storage or service cabinet CALICE

Single temperature wine storage or service cabinet

Capacity : 210 bottles CALICE ESSENTIAL WOOD

8028,00 € INCL TAX

Combination of 2 single-temperature freestanding wine cabinet for storage or service - Standing bottles CALICE

Combination of 2 single-temperature freestanding wine cabinet for storage or service - Standing bottles

Capacity : 268 bottles CALICE METAL BLACK

10992,00 € INCL TAX

Single temperature freestanding wine cabinet for storage or service - Stainless steel cladding CALICE

Single temperature freestanding wine cabinet for storage or service - Stainless steel cladding

Capacity : 66 bottles CALICE PURE INOX

4980,00 € INCL TAX

Single temperature wine storage or service cabinet CALICE

Single temperature wine storage or service cabinet

Capacity : 210 bottles CALICE METAL BLACK

5448,00 € INCL TAX

Single temperature freestanding wine cabinet for storage or service  CALICE

Single temperature freestanding wine cabinet for storage or service

Capacity : 134 bottles CALICE MODERN WOOD

10608,00 € INCL TAX

Combination of 2 single-temperature freestanding wine cabinets for storage or service - Mixt equipment CALICE

Combination of 2 single-temperature freestanding wine cabinets for storage or service - Mixt equipment

Capacity : 238 bottles CALICE METAL BLACK

11292,00 € INCL TAX

Freestanding single temperature wine for storage or service - Stainless steel cladding - Sliding shelves CALICE

Freestanding single temperature wine for storage or service - Stainless steel cladding - Sliding shelves

Capacity : 48 bottles CALICE PURE INOX

5520,00 € INCL TAX

Combination of 3 Single temperature wine service or storage cabinets CALICE

Combination of 3 Single temperature wine service or storage cabinets

Capacity : 312 bottles CALICE METAL BLACK

17436,00 € INCL TAX

Single temperature freestanding wine cabinet for storage or service - Standing bottles CALICE

Single temperature freestanding wine cabinet for storage or service - Standing bottles

Capacity : 134 bottles CALICE MODERN WOOD

10608,00 € INCL TAX

Single temperature wine cabinet for storage or service - Mixed shelves CALICE

Single temperature wine cabinet for storage or service - Mixed shelves

Capacity : 82 bottles CALICE ESSENTIAL WOOD

8388,00 € INCL TAX

Freestanding single temperature wine cabinet for storage or service - Inclined bottles CALICE

Freestanding single temperature wine cabinet for storage or service - Inclined bottles

Capacity : 78 bottles CALICE METAL BLACK

4908,00 € INCL TAX

Freestanding single temperature wine cabinet for storage or service CALICE

Freestanding single temperature wine cabinet for storage or service

Capacity : 98 bottles CALICE METAL BLACK

4728,00 € INCL TAX

Single temperature wine cabinet for storage or service - Inclined bottles CALICE

Single temperature wine cabinet for storage or service - Inclined bottles

Capacity : 104 bottles CALICE MODERN WOOD

10968,00 € INCL TAX

Combination of 2 single temperature wine cabinets for storage or service - Mixed shelves CALICE

Combination of 2 single temperature wine cabinets for storage or service - Mixed shelves

Capacity : 164 bottles CALICE ESSENTIAL WOOD

16872,00 € INCL TAX

Freestanding single temperature wine cabinet for storage or service - Stainless steel cladding - Inclined bottles CALICE

Freestanding single temperature wine cabinet for storage or service - Stainless steel cladding - Inclined bottles

Capacity : 86 bottles CALICE PURE INOX

6468,00 € INCL TAX

Freestanding single temperature wine cabinet for storage or service - Mixed bottles CALICE

Freestanding single temperature wine cabinet for storage or service - Mixed bottles

Capacity : 78 bottles CALICE METAL BLACK

4908,00 € INCL TAX

Single temperature wine storage or service cabinet - Sliding shelves CALICE

Single temperature wine storage or service cabinet - Sliding shelves

Capacity : 110 bottles CALICE MODERN WOOD

13128,00 € INCL TAX

Combination of 2 Single temperature wine service or storage cabinets CALICE

Combination of 2 Single temperature wine service or storage cabinets

Capacity : 220 bottles CALICE METAL BLACK

15552,00 € INCL TAX

Single temperature wine cabinet for wine storage or service with a sliding shelf for standing bottles CALICE

Single temperature wine cabinet for wine storage or service with a sliding shelf for standing bottles

Capacity : 48 bottles CALICE METAL BLACK

4812,00 € INCL TAX

Single temperature wine storage or service cabinet CALICE

Single temperature wine storage or service cabinet

Capacity : 210 bottles CALICE MODERN WOOD

10608,00 € INCL TAX

Freestanding single temperature wine cabinet for service - Standing bottles CALICE

Freestanding single temperature wine cabinet for service - Standing bottles

Capacity : 48 bottles CALICE METAL BLACK

3900,00 € INCL TAX

Combination of 2 single temperature wine cabinets for wine storage or service with a sliding shelves for standing bottles CALICE

Combination of 2 single temperature wine cabinets for wine storage or service with a sliding shelves for standing bot...

Capacity : 96 bottles CALICE BUILT-IN METAL BLACK

9720,00 € INCL TAX

Single temperature wine storage or service cabinet - Sliding shelves and drawer CALICE

Single temperature wine storage or service cabinet - Sliding shelves and drawer

Capacity : 120 bottles CALICE METAL BLACK

8040,00 € INCL TAX

Single temperature wine storage or service cabinet - Sliding shelves CALICE

Single temperature wine storage or service cabinet - Sliding shelves

Capacity : 110 bottles CALICE METAL BLACK

7728,00 € INCL TAX

Single temperature freestanding wine cabinet for storage or service  CALICE

Single temperature freestanding wine cabinet for storage or service

Capacity : 134 bottles CALICE CLASSIC WOOD

11028,00 € INCL TAX

Combination of 2 Single temperature wine service or storage cabinets CALICE

Combination of 2 Single temperature wine service or storage cabinets

Capacity : 240 bottles CALICE METAL BLACK

16176,00 € INCL TAX

Single temperature freestanding wine cabinet for storage or service - Sliding shelves CALICE

Single temperature freestanding wine cabinet for storage or service - Sliding shelves

Capacity : 82 bottles CALICE METAL BLACK

6168,00 € INCL TAX

Single temperature freestanding wine cabinet for storage or service - Standing bottles CALICE

Single temperature freestanding wine cabinet for storage or service - Standing bottles

Capacity : 134 bottles CALICE CLASSIC WOOD

11088,00 € INCL TAX

Combination of 2 Single temperature wine service or storage cabinets - Inclined bottles CALICE

Combination of 2 Single temperature wine service or storage cabinets - Inclined bottles

Capacity : 208 bottles CALICE ESSENTIAL WOOD

16968,00 € INCL TAX

Single temperature wine cabinet for storage or service - Mixed shelves CALICE

Single temperature wine cabinet for storage or service - Mixed shelves

Capacity : 122 bottles CALICE ESSENTIAL WOOD

9300,00 € INCL TAX

Single temperature wine cabinet for storage or service - Inclined bottles CALICE

Single temperature wine cabinet for storage or service - Inclined bottles

Capacity : 104 bottles CALICE CLASSIC WOOD

11448,00 € INCL TAX

Combination of 2 Single temperature wine service or storage cabinets - Inclined bottles CALICE

Combination of 2 Single temperature wine service or storage cabinets - Inclined bottles

Capacity : 208 bottles CALICE CLASSIC WOOD

20856,00 € INCL TAX

Single temperature freestanding wine cabinet for storage or service - Standing bottles CALICE

Single temperature freestanding wine cabinet for storage or service - Standing bottles

Capacity : 134 bottles CALICE METAL BLACK

5448,00 € INCL TAX

Single temperature wine storage or service cabinet - Sliding shelves CALICE

Single temperature wine storage or service cabinet - Sliding shelves

Capacity : 110 bottles CALICE CLASSIC WOOD

13368,00 € INCL TAX

Combination of 2 Single temperature wine service or storage cabinets - Inclined bottles CALICE

Combination of 2 Single temperature wine service or storage cabinets - Inclined bottles

Capacity : 208 bottles CALICE MODERN WOOD

21276,00 € INCL TAX

Single temperature wine cabinet for storage or service - Inclined bottles CALICE

Single temperature wine cabinet for storage or service - Inclined bottles

Capacity : 104 bottles CALICE METAL BLACK

5748,00 € INCL TAX

Single temperature wine storage or service cabinet CALICE

Single temperature wine storage or service cabinet

Capacity : 210 bottles CALICE CLASSIC WOOD

11088,00 € INCL TAX

Built-in combination of 2 single-temperature wine cabinets for service or storage CALICE

Built-in combination of 2 single-temperature wine cabinets for service or storage

Capacity : 176 bottles CALICE BUILT-IN METAL BLACK

12820,00 € INCL TAX

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