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Refrigerated wine frame display for 12 bottles

Ref. : ACI-HEM15000

Refrigerated wine frame display for 12 bottles
Calice Design wine cabinet
  • Temperature number : 1
  • Range of adjustment :
  • Capacity of the model : 12 bottles
  • Level of range : Upscale and refined
  • Model colour : Customizable
  • Door frame colour : Customizable
  • Dimensions : H1696*W650*D273 mm
  • Installation temperature min / max : 18°C / 28°C

5580,00 €


Of which 10,00 € INCL TAX visible fee incl

Delivery in 60 days

FREE DELIVERY in France (1)

Your product's features :

Door frame design :
To be defined
Internal cover panel colour :
To be defined
Electrical socket type :
To be defined
Quantity :
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Your product's options:

1 Door frame design

Hide the option

Flat frame - Raw wood (MDF)
Flat Raw MDF door frame, to be painted or laminated by your care
300,00 €

Incompatible avec l'option

Flat frame - Raw wood (MDF)Flat Raw MDF door frame, to be painted or laminated by your careFlat Raw MDF door frame, to be painted or laminated by your care
Flat frame - Matte white
Flat door frame painted in matte white (RAL9010)
480,00 €

Incompatible avec l'option

Flat frame - Matte whiteFlat door frame painted in matte white (RAL9010)Flat door frame painted in matte white (RAL9010)
Flat frame - Matte black
Flat door frame painted in matte black (RAL9005)
480,00 €

Incompatible avec l'option

Flat frame - Matte blackFlat door frame painted in matte black (RAL9005)Flat door frame painted in matte black (RAL9005)
Flat frame - Chestnut
Flat door frame covered with a chestnut finish laminate
480,00 €

Incompatible avec l'option

Flat frame - ChestnutFlat door frame covered with a chestnut finish laminateFlat door frame covered with a chestnut finish laminate
Flat frame - Teak
Flat door frame covered with a Teak finish laminate
480,00 €

Incompatible avec l'option

Flat frame - TeakFlat door frame covered with a Teak finish laminateFlat door frame covered with a Teak finish laminate
Flat frame - Loft Wenge
Flat door frame covered with a Loft Wenge finish laminate
480,00 €

Incompatible avec l'option

Flat frame - Loft WengeFlat door frame covered with a Loft Wenge finish laminateFlat door frame covered with a Loft Wenge finish laminate
Flat frame - Ash Larch
Flat door frame covered with a Ash Larch finish laminate
480,00 €

Incompatible avec l'option

Flat frame - Ash LarchFlat door frame covered with a Ash Larch finish laminateFlat door frame covered with a Ash Larch finish laminate
Textured black
Flat door frame covered with a textured black finish laminate
1020,00 €

Incompatible avec l'option

Textured blackFlat door frame covered with a textured black finish laminateFlat door frame covered with a textured black finish laminate
Dove-grey Concrete
Flat door frame covered with a Dove-grey concrete finish laminate
1020,00 €

Incompatible avec l'option

Dove-grey ConcreteFlat door frame covered with a Dove-grey concrete finish laminateFlat door frame covered with a Dove-grey concrete finish laminate
Flat door frame covered with a Corten finish laminate
1020,00 €

Incompatible avec l'option

CortenFlat door frame covered with a Corten finish laminateFlat door frame covered with a Corten finish laminate
Satin black
Flat door frame covered with a satin black finish laminate
1020,00 €

Incompatible avec l'option

Satin blackFlat door frame covered with a satin black finish laminateFlat door frame covered with a satin black finish laminate
Flat frame - Matte RAL colour
Flat door frame painted in the RAL colour of your choice, matte finish
900,00 €
RAL 1000RAL 1001RAL 1002RAL 1003RAL 1004RAL 1005RAL 1006RAL 1007RAL 1011RAL 1012
RAL 1013RAL 1014RAL 1015RAL 1016RAL 1017RAL 1018RAL 1019RAL 1020RAL 1021RAL 1023
RAL 1024RAL 1026RAL 1027RAL 1028RAL 1032RAL 1033RAL 1034RAL 1035RAL 1036RAL 1037
RAL 2000RAL 2001RAL 2002RAL 2003RAL 2004RAL 2005RAL 2007RAL 2008RAL 2009RAL 2010
RAL 2011RAL 2012RAL 2013RAL 3000RAL 3001RAL 3002RAL 3003RAL 3004RAL 3005RAL 3007
RAL 3009RAL 3011RAL 3012RAL 3013RAL 3014RAL 3015RAL 3016RAL 3017RAL 3018RAL 3020
RAL 3022RAL 3024RAL 3026RAL 3027RAL 3028RAL 3031RAL 3032RAL 3033RAL 4001RAL 4002
RAL 4003RAL 4004RAL 4005RAL 4006RAL 4007RAL 4008RAL 4009RAL 4010RAL 4011RAL 4012
RAL 5000RAL 5001RAL 5002RAL 5003RAL 5004RAL 5005RAL 5007RAL 5008RAL 5009RAL 5010
RAL 5011RAL 5012RAL 5013RAL 5014RAL 5015RAL 5017RAL 5018RAL 5019RAL 5020RAL 5021
RAL 5022RAL 5023RAL 5024RAL 5025RAL 5026RAL 6000RAL 6001RAL 6002RAL 6003RAL 6004
RAL 6005RAL 6006RAL 6007RAL 6008RAL 6009RAL 6010RAL 6011RAL 6012RAL 6013RAL 6014
RAL 6015RAL 6016RAL 6017RAL 6018RAL 6019RAL 6020RAL 6021RAL 6022RAL 6024RAL 6025
RAL 6026RAL 6027RAL 6028RAL 6029RAL 6032RAL 6033RAL 6034RAL 6035RAL 6036RAL 6037
RAL 6038RAL 7000RAL 7001RAL 7002RAL 7003RAL 7004RAL 7005RAL 7006RAL 7008RAL 7009
RAL 7010RAL 7011RAL 7012RAL 7013RAL 7015RAL 7016RAL 7021RAL 7022RAL 7023RAL 7024
RAL 7026RAL 7030RAL 7031RAL 7032RAL 7033RAL 7034RAL 7035RAL 7036RAL 7037RAL 7038
RAL 7039RAL 7040RAL 7042RAL 7043RAL 7044RAL 7045RAL 7046RAL 7047RAL 7048RAL 8000
RAL 8001RAL 8002RAL 8003RAL 8004RAL 8007RAL 8008RAL 8011RAL 8012RAL 8014RAL 8015
RAL 8016RAL 8017RAL 8019RAL 8022RAL 8023RAL 8024RAL 8025RAL 8028RAL 8029RAL 9001
RAL 9002RAL 9003RAL 9004RAL 9005RAL 9006RAL 9007RAL 9010RAL 9011RAL 9016RAL 9017
RAL 9018RAL 9022RAL 9023
Dune frame - Raw wood (MDF)
Raw MDF Dune shaped door frame, to be painted or laminated by your care
1020,00 €

Incompatible avec l'option

Dune frame - Raw wood (MDF)Raw MDF Dune shaped door frame, to be painted or laminated by your careRaw MDF Dune shaped door frame, to be painted or laminated by your care
Matte white Dune
Dune shaped door frame painted in matte white (RAL9010)
1200,00 €

Incompatible avec l'option

Matte white DuneDune shaped door frame painted in matte white (RAL9010)Dune shaped door frame painted in matte white (RAL9010)
Matte black Dune
Dune shaped door frame painted in matte black (RAL9005)
1200,00 €

Incompatible avec l'option

Matte black DuneDune shaped door frame painted in matte black (RAL9005)Dune shaped door frame painted in matte black (RAL9005)
Matte RAL colour Dune
Dune shaped door frame painted in the RAL colour of your choice, matte finish
1740,00 €
RAL 1000RAL 1001RAL 1002RAL 1003RAL 1004RAL 1005RAL 1006RAL 1007RAL 1011RAL 1012
RAL 1013RAL 1014RAL 1015RAL 1016RAL 1017RAL 1018RAL 1019RAL 1020RAL 1021RAL 1023
RAL 1024RAL 1026RAL 1027RAL 1028RAL 1032RAL 1033RAL 1034RAL 1035RAL 1036RAL 1037
RAL 2000RAL 2001RAL 2002RAL 2003RAL 2004RAL 2005RAL 2007RAL 2008RAL 2009RAL 2010
RAL 2011RAL 2012RAL 2013RAL 3000RAL 3001RAL 3002RAL 3003RAL 3004RAL 3005RAL 3007
RAL 3009RAL 3011RAL 3012RAL 3013RAL 3014RAL 3015RAL 3016RAL 3017RAL 3018RAL 3020
RAL 3022RAL 3024RAL 3026RAL 3027RAL 3028RAL 3031RAL 3032RAL 3033RAL 4001RAL 4002
RAL 4003RAL 4004RAL 4005RAL 4006RAL 4007RAL 4008RAL 4009RAL 4010RAL 4011RAL 4012
RAL 5000RAL 5001RAL 5002RAL 5003RAL 5004RAL 5005RAL 5007RAL 5008RAL 5009RAL 5010
RAL 5011RAL 5012RAL 5013RAL 5014RAL 5015RAL 5017RAL 5018RAL 5019RAL 5020RAL 5021
RAL 5022RAL 5023RAL 5024RAL 5025RAL 5026RAL 6000RAL 6001RAL 6002RAL 6003RAL 6004
RAL 6005RAL 6006RAL 6007RAL 6008RAL 6009RAL 6010RAL 6011RAL 6012RAL 6013RAL 6014
RAL 6015RAL 6016RAL 6017RAL 6018RAL 6019RAL 6020RAL 6021RAL 6022RAL 6024RAL 6025
RAL 6026RAL 6027RAL 6028RAL 6029RAL 6032RAL 6033RAL 6034RAL 6035RAL 6036RAL 6037
RAL 6038RAL 7000RAL 7001RAL 7002RAL 7003RAL 7004RAL 7005RAL 7006RAL 7008RAL 7009
RAL 7010RAL 7011RAL 7012RAL 7013RAL 7015RAL 7016RAL 7021RAL 7022RAL 7023RAL 7024
RAL 7026RAL 7030RAL 7031RAL 7032RAL 7033RAL 7034RAL 7035RAL 7036RAL 7037RAL 7038
RAL 7039RAL 7040RAL 7042RAL 7043RAL 7044RAL 7045RAL 7046RAL 7047RAL 7048RAL 8000
RAL 8001RAL 8002RAL 8003RAL 8004RAL 8007RAL 8008RAL 8011RAL 8012RAL 8014RAL 8015
RAL 8016RAL 8017RAL 8019RAL 8022RAL 8023RAL 8024RAL 8025RAL 8028RAL 8029RAL 9001
RAL 9002RAL 9003RAL 9004RAL 9005RAL 9006RAL 9007RAL 9010RAL 9011RAL 9016RAL 9017
RAL 9018RAL 9022RAL 9023
Glossy RAL colour Dune
Dune shaped door frame painted in the RAL colour of your choice, glossy finish
1740,00 €
RAL 1000RAL 1000RAL 1001RAL 1001RAL 1002RAL 1002RAL 1003RAL 1003RAL 1004RAL 1004
RAL 1005RAL 1005RAL 1006RAL 1006RAL 1007RAL 1007RAL 1011RAL 1011RAL 1012RAL 1012
RAL 1013RAL 1013RAL 1014RAL 1014RAL 1015RAL 1015RAL 1016RAL 1016RAL 1017RAL 1017
RAL 1018RAL 1018RAL 1019RAL 1019RAL 1020RAL 1020RAL 1021RAL 1021RAL 1023RAL 1023
RAL 1024RAL 1024RAL 1026RAL 1026RAL 1027RAL 1027RAL 1028RAL 1028RAL 1032RAL 1032
RAL 1033RAL 1033RAL 1034RAL 1034RAL 1035RAL 1035RAL 1036RAL 1036RAL 1037RAL 1037
RAL 2000RAL 2000RAL 2001RAL 2001RAL 2002RAL 2002RAL 2003RAL 2003RAL 2004RAL 2004
RAL 2005RAL 2005RAL 2007RAL 2007RAL 2008RAL 2008RAL 2009RAL 2009RAL 2010RAL 2010
RAL 2011RAL 2011RAL 2012RAL 2012RAL 2013RAL 2013RAL 3000RAL 3000RAL 3001RAL 3001
RAL 3002RAL 3002RAL 3003RAL 3003RAL 3004RAL 3004RAL 3005RAL 3005RAL 3007RAL 3007
RAL 3009RAL 3009RAL 3011RAL 3011RAL 3012RAL 3012RAL 3013RAL 3013RAL 3014RAL 3014
RAL 3015RAL 3015RAL 3016RAL 3016RAL 3017RAL 3017RAL 3018RAL 3018RAL 3020RAL 3020
RAL 3022RAL 3022RAL 3024RAL 3024RAL 3026RAL 3026RAL 3027RAL 3027RAL 3028RAL 3028
RAL 3031RAL 3031RAL 3032RAL 3032RAL 3033RAL 3033RAL 4001RAL 4001RAL 4002RAL 4002
RAL 4003RAL 4003RAL 4004RAL 4004RAL 4005RAL 4005RAL 4006RAL 4006RAL 4007RAL 4007
RAL 4008RAL 4008RAL 4009RAL 4009RAL 4010RAL 4010RAL 4011RAL 4011RAL 4012RAL 4012
RAL 5000RAL 5000RAL 5001RAL 5001RAL 5002RAL 5002RAL 5003RAL 5003RAL 5004RAL 5004
RAL 5005RAL 5005RAL 5007RAL 5007RAL 5008RAL 5008RAL 5009RAL 5009RAL 5010RAL 5010
RAL 5011RAL 5011RAL 5012RAL 5012RAL 5013RAL 5013RAL 5014RAL 5014RAL 5015RAL 5015
RAL 5017RAL 5017RAL 5018RAL 5018RAL 5019RAL 5019RAL 5020RAL 5020RAL 5021RAL 5021
RAL 5022RAL 5022RAL 5023RAL 5023RAL 5024RAL 5024RAL 5025RAL 5025RAL 5026RAL 5026
RAL 6000RAL 6000RAL 6001RAL 6001RAL 6002RAL 6002RAL 6003RAL 6003RAL 6004RAL 6004
RAL 6005RAL 6005RAL 6006RAL 6006RAL 6007RAL 6007RAL 6008RAL 6008RAL 6009RAL 6009
RAL 6010RAL 6010RAL 6011RAL 6011RAL 6012RAL 6012RAL 6013RAL 6013RAL 6014RAL 6014
RAL 6015RAL 6015RAL 6016RAL 6016RAL 6017RAL 6017RAL 6018RAL 6018RAL 6019RAL 6019
RAL 6020RAL 6020RAL 6021RAL 6021RAL 6022RAL 6022RAL 6024RAL 6024RAL 6025RAL 6025
RAL 6026RAL 6026RAL 6027RAL 6027RAL 6028RAL 6028RAL 6029RAL 6029RAL 6032RAL 6032
RAL 6033RAL 6033RAL 6034RAL 6034RAL 6035RAL 6035RAL 6036RAL 6036RAL 6037RAL 6037
RAL 6038RAL 6038RAL 7000RAL 7000RAL 7001RAL 7001RAL 7002RAL 7002RAL 7003RAL 7003
RAL 7004RAL 7004RAL 7005RAL 7005RAL 7006RAL 7006RAL 7008RAL 7008RAL 7009RAL 7009
RAL 7010RAL 7010RAL 7011RAL 7011RAL 7012RAL 7012RAL 7013RAL 7013RAL 7015RAL 7015
RAL 7016RAL 7016RAL 7021RAL 7021RAL 7022RAL 7022RAL 7023RAL 7023RAL 7024RAL 7024
RAL 7026RAL 7026RAL 7030RAL 7030RAL 7031RAL 7031RAL 7032RAL 7032RAL 7033RAL 7033
RAL 7034RAL 7034RAL 7035RAL 7035RAL 7036RAL 7036RAL 7037RAL 7037RAL 7038RAL 7038
RAL 7039RAL 7039RAL 7040RAL 7040RAL 7042RAL 7042RAL 7043RAL 7043RAL 7044RAL 7044
RAL 7045RAL 7045RAL 7046RAL 7046RAL 7047RAL 7047RAL 7048RAL 7048RAL 8000RAL 8000
RAL 8001RAL 8001RAL 8002RAL 8002RAL 8003RAL 8003RAL 8004RAL 8004RAL 8007RAL 8007
RAL 8008RAL 8008RAL 8011RAL 8011RAL 8012RAL 8012RAL 8014RAL 8014RAL 8015RAL 8015
RAL 8016RAL 8016RAL 8017RAL 8017RAL 8019RAL 8019RAL 8022RAL 8022RAL 8023RAL 8023
RAL 8024RAL 8024RAL 8025RAL 8025RAL 8028RAL 8028RAL 8029RAL 8029RAL 9001RAL 9001
RAL 9002RAL 9002RAL 9003RAL 9003RAL 9004RAL 9004RAL 9005RAL 9005RAL 9006RAL 9006
RAL 9007RAL 9007RAL 9010RAL 9010RAL 9011RAL 9011RAL 9016RAL 9016RAL 9017RAL 9017
RAL 9018RAL 9018RAL 9022RAL 9022RAL 9023RAL 9023
Dune Liquid Metal Gold
Dune wooden frame finished in Gold colour with a paint containing metal particles
1200,00 €

Incompatible avec l'option

Dune Liquid Metal GoldDune wooden frame finished in Gold colour with a paint containing metal particlesDune wooden frame finished in Gold colour with a paint containing metal particles
Dune Liquid Metal Silver
Dune wooden frame finished in Silver colour with a paint containing metal particles
1200,00 €

Incompatible avec l'option

Dune Liquid Metal SilverDune wooden frame finished in Silver colour with a paint containing metal particlesDune wooden frame finished in Silver colour with a paint containing metal particles
Classic frame - Raw MDF
Classic shaped door frame in Raw MDF, to be painted or laminated by your care
1020,00 €

Incompatible avec l'option

Classic frame - Raw MDFClassic shaped door frame in Raw MDF, to be painted or laminated by your careClassic shaped door frame in Raw MDF, to be painted or laminated by your care
Classic frame - Matte RAL colour
Classic shaped door frame painted in the RAL colour of your choice, matte finish
1740,00 €
Classic frame - Glossy RAL colour
Classic shaped door frame painted in the RAL colour of your choice, glossy finish
1740,00 €
Classic frame - Liquid Metal Gold
Classic shaped door frame finished in Gold colour with a paint containing metal particles
1200,00 €

Incompatible avec l'option

Classic frame - Liquid Metal GoldClassic shaped door frame finished in Gold colour with a paint containing metal particlesClassic shaped door frame finished in Gold colour with a paint containing metal particles
Classic frame - Liquid Metal Silver
Classic shaped door frame finished in Silver colour with a paint containing metal particles
1200,00 €

Incompatible avec l'option

Classic frame - Liquid Metal SilverClassic shaped door frame finished in Silver colour with a paint containing metal particlesClassic shaped door frame finished in Silver colour with a paint containing metal particles
Frame painted in Gold colour
900,00 €
Frame painted in Silver colour
900,00 €
Matte white
Frame covered covered with a matte white finish laminate
1020,00 €

Incompatible avec l'option

Matte whiteFrame covered covered with a matte white finish laminateFrame covered covered with a matte white finish laminate
Matte black
Frame covered with a matte black finish laminate
1020,00 €

Incompatible avec l'option

Matte blackFrame covered with a matte black finish laminateFrame covered with a matte black finish laminate
Satin-finish steel
Frame covered with a Satin-finish steel laminate
1020,00 €

2 Internal cover panel colour

See the option

Matte Black
The internal cover panel is matte black painted MDF (RAL9005)
480,00 €

Incompatible avec l'option

Matte BlackThe internal cover panel is matte black painted MDF (RAL9005)The internal cover panel is matte black painted MDF (RAL9005)
Matte White
The internal cover panel is matte white painted MDF (RAL9010)
480,00 €

Incompatible avec l'option

Matte WhiteThe internal cover panel is matte white painted MDF (RAL9010)The internal cover panel is matte white painted MDF (RAL9010)
White Eco-leather
The internal panel is covered with white eco-leather (low environmental impact faux leather)
720,00 €

Incompatible avec l'option

White Eco-leatherThe internal panel is covered with white eco-leather (low environmental impact faux leather)The internal panel is covered with white eco-leather (low environmental impact faux leather)
Black Eco-Leather
The internal panel is covered with black eco-leather (low environmental impact faux leather)
720,00 €

Incompatible avec l'option

Black Eco-LeatherThe internal panel is covered with black eco-leather (low environmental impact faux leather)The internal panel is covered with black eco-leather (low environmental impact faux leather)
Grey Eco-Leather
The internal panel is covered with grey eco-leather (low environmental impact faux leather)
720,00 €

Incompatible avec l'option

Grey Eco-LeatherThe internal panel is covered with grey eco-leather (low environmental impact faux leather)The internal panel is covered with grey eco-leather (low environmental impact faux leather)
Red Eco-Leather
The internal panel is covered with red eco-leather (low environmental impact faux leather)
720,00 €

Incompatible avec l'option

Red Eco-LeatherThe internal panel is covered with red eco-leather (low environmental impact faux leather)The internal panel is covered with red eco-leather (low environmental impact faux leather)
Cork Mesh
The internal cover panel is made of cork mesh
720,00 €

Incompatible avec l'option

Cork MeshThe internal cover panel is made of cork meshThe internal cover panel is made of cork mesh
Cork Herringbone
The internal cover panel is made of cork herringbone
720,00 €

Incompatible avec l'option

Cork HerringboneThe internal cover panel is made of cork herringboneThe internal cover panel is made of cork herringbone
Red Python Eco-Leather
The internal panel is covered with Reptile red eco-leather (low environmental impact faux leather)
720,00 €
Black Reptile Eco-Leather
The internal panel is covered with Reptile black eco-leather (low environmental impact faux leather)
720,00 €

Incompatible avec l'option

Black Reptile Eco-LeatherThe internal panel is covered with Reptile black eco-leather (low environmental impact faux leather)The internal panel is covered with Reptile black eco-leather (low environmental impact faux leather)
Blue Reptile Eco-Leather
The internal panel is covered with Reptile blue eco-leather (low environmental impact faux leather)
720,00 €

Incompatible avec l'option

Blue Reptile Eco-LeatherThe internal panel is covered with Reptile blue eco-leather (low environmental impact faux leather)The internal panel is covered with Reptile blue eco-leather (low environmental impact faux leather)
Eco-Leather Woven Tabacco
The internal panel is covered with Woven Tabacco eco-leather (low environmental impact faux leather)
720,00 €

Incompatible avec l'option

Eco-Leather Woven TabaccoThe internal panel is covered with Woven Tabacco eco-leather (low environmental impact faux leather)The internal panel is covered with Woven Tabacco eco-leather (low environmental impact faux leather)

3 Electrical socket type

See the option

Standard - F-type socket
Standard socket used in Europe (except UK)

Incompatible avec l'option

Standard - F-type socketStandard socket used in Europe (except UK)Standard socket used in Europe (except UK)
B-type socket
Type of socket mainly used in North America (USA, Canada, Mexico), Japan and the French West Indies
42,00 €

Incompatible avec l'option

B-type socketType of socket mainly used in North America (USA, Canada, Mexico), Japan and the French West IndiesType of socket mainly used in North America (USA, Canada, Mexico), Japan and the French West Indies
G-type socket
Type of socket mainly used in Great Britain, Ireland, Malaysia, Malta, Singapore and the Arabian Peninsula
42,00 €

Incompatible avec l'option

G-type socketType of socket mainly used in Great Britain, Ireland, Malaysia, Malta, Singapore and the Arabian PeninsulaType of socket mainly used in Great Britain, Ireland, Malaysia, Malta, Singapore and the Arabian Peninsula
J-type socket
Type of socket mainly used in Switzerland
42,00 €

Incompatible avec l'option

J-type socketType of socket mainly used in SwitzerlandType of socket mainly used in Switzerland
Quantity :

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General overview

Refrigerated wine frame display for 12 bottles

This elegant refrigerated frame offers the perfect display for 12 bottles of wine, creating a unique atmosphere for wine tasting.

The interior temperature can be adjusted between 6° and 18°C.

This thermoelectric refrigeration system is pretty quiet (35dB), which allows it to be installed in any room. It is designed for both private individuals, to give a unique dimension to a living room or kitchen, and professionals to decorate a hotel room, a shop or a holiday rental.

Customisation options allow you to perfectly adapt the design of the frame to the atmosphere of your room by choosing :
- the shape and colour of the door frame
- the finish of the interior cover panel (between the door frame and the bottles)

Its size allows it to be fixed directly to the wall with 2 hooks (not included). For a perfect finish, it is advisable to install the power supply directly behind the appliance (see diagram).

For optimal operation, we recommend installing this device in a room where the temperature is between 18° and 28°C all year round.

Technical data

General features :

Capacity of the model :
12 bottles
Installation :
Free standing
Level of range :
Upscale and refined
Door version :
20mm double glazing
Model colour :
Door frame colour :
Installation temperature min / max :
18°C / 28°C
Climate rating :
Warranty :
2 years parts, labour and travel

Equipment :

Humidity :
Hygrometer :
Carbon filter :
Lock :
Handle :
Adaptable interior:
Alarm :
Lighting :

Regulation :

Temperature number :
Range of adjustment :
Regulation :
Setting :
Display :
Digital and Exterior

Technologies :

Cold production :
Static cooling or circulated by compressor
Heat production :
Automatic defrost
Winter function :
automatic defrost
No vibration :
Type of gas :
Electrical power (w) :

Performance :

Consumption kwh/24h :
Consumption kwh/year :
238 kwh ie approx. € incl tax/ year
Noise level (dBA) :

Dimensions :

Dimensions :
H1696*W650*D273 mm
Net weight :
91 kg
Packaging dimensions :
H1900*W650*D800 mm
Gross weight :
116 kg
Volume :
0.99 m3
Origin of manufacture:
Europe Europe

The information may contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. They are not contractual and are subject to change without notice.

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