Raw coverRaw HPL magnetic cladding, to be painted or laminated by your care
Matte white
960,00 €
Incompatible avec l'option
Matte whiteMagnetic cladding covered with a matte white finish laminate
Matte black
960,00 €
Incompatible avec l'option
Matte blackMagnetic cladding covered with a matte black finish laminate
960,00 €
Incompatible avec l'option
ChestnutMagnetic cladding covered with a Chesnut finish laminate
960,00 €
Incompatible avec l'option
TeakMagnetic cladding covered with a Teak finish laminate
Loft wenge
960,00 €
Incompatible avec l'option
Loft wengeMagnetic cladding covered with a Loft Wenge finish laminate
Ash larch
960,00 €
Incompatible avec l'option
Ash larchMagnetic cladding covered with a Ash larch finish laminate
Textured black
2520,00 €
Incompatible avec l'option
Textured blackMagnetic cladding covered with a textured black finish laminate
Dove-grey Concrete
2520,00 €
Incompatible avec l'option
Dove-grey ConcreteMagnetic cladding covered with a Dove-grey concrete finish laminate
2520,00 €
Incompatible avec l'option
CortenMagnetic cladding covered with a Corten finish laminate
Satin-finish steel
2520,00 €
Incompatible avec l'option
Satin-finish steelMagnetic cladding covered with a Satin-finish steel laminate
Satin gold
2520,00 €
Incompatible avec l'option
Satin goldMagnetic cladding covered with a satin Gold finish laminate
Satin bronze
2520,00 €
Incompatible avec l'option
Satin bronzeMagnetic cladding covered with a satin Bronze finish laminate
Satin black
2520,00 €
Incompatible avec l'option
Satin blackMagnetic cladding covered with a satin Black finish laminate
Matte RAL colour
2520,00 €
RAL 1000
RAL 1001
RAL 1002
RAL 1003
RAL 1004
RAL 1005
RAL 1006
RAL 1007
RAL 1011
RAL 1012
RAL 1013
RAL 1014
RAL 1015
RAL 1016
RAL 1017
RAL 1018
RAL 1019
RAL 1020
RAL 1021
RAL 1023
RAL 1024
RAL 1026
RAL 1027
RAL 1028
RAL 1032
RAL 1033
RAL 1034
RAL 1035
RAL 1036
RAL 1037
RAL 2000
RAL 2001
RAL 2002
RAL 2003
RAL 2004
RAL 2005
RAL 2007
RAL 2008
RAL 2009
RAL 2010
RAL 2011
RAL 2012
RAL 2013
RAL 3000
RAL 3001
RAL 3002
RAL 3003
RAL 3004
RAL 3005
RAL 3007
RAL 3009
RAL 3011
RAL 3012
RAL 3013
RAL 3014
RAL 3015
RAL 3016
RAL 3017
RAL 3018
RAL 3020
RAL 3022
RAL 3024
RAL 3026
RAL 3027
RAL 3028
RAL 3031
RAL 3032
RAL 3033
RAL 4001
RAL 4002
RAL 4003
RAL 4004
RAL 4005
RAL 4006
RAL 4007
RAL 4008
RAL 4009
RAL 4010
RAL 4011
RAL 4012
RAL 5000
RAL 5001
RAL 5002
RAL 5003
RAL 5004
RAL 5005
RAL 5007
RAL 5008
RAL 5009
RAL 5010
RAL 5011
RAL 5012
RAL 5013
RAL 5014
RAL 5015
RAL 5017
RAL 5018
RAL 5019
RAL 5020
RAL 5021
RAL 5022
RAL 5023
RAL 5024
RAL 5025
RAL 5026
RAL 6000
RAL 6001
RAL 6002
RAL 6003
RAL 6004
RAL 6005
RAL 6006
RAL 6007
RAL 6008
RAL 6009
RAL 6010
RAL 6011
RAL 6012
RAL 6013
RAL 6014
RAL 6015
RAL 6016
RAL 6017
RAL 6018
RAL 6019
RAL 6020
RAL 6021
RAL 6022
RAL 6024
RAL 6025
RAL 6026
RAL 6027
RAL 6028
RAL 6029
RAL 6032
RAL 6033
RAL 6034
RAL 6035
RAL 6036
RAL 6037
RAL 6038
RAL 7000
RAL 7001
RAL 7002
RAL 7003
RAL 7004
RAL 7005
RAL 7006
RAL 7008
RAL 7009
RAL 7010
RAL 7011
RAL 7012
RAL 7013
RAL 7015
RAL 7016
RAL 7021
RAL 7022
RAL 7023
RAL 7024
RAL 7026
RAL 7030
RAL 7031
RAL 7032
RAL 7033
RAL 7034
RAL 7035
RAL 7036
RAL 7037
RAL 7038
RAL 7039
RAL 7040
RAL 7042
RAL 7043
RAL 7044
RAL 7045
RAL 7046
RAL 7047
RAL 7048
RAL 8000
RAL 8001
RAL 8002
RAL 8003
RAL 8004
RAL 8007
RAL 8008
RAL 8011
RAL 8012
RAL 8014
RAL 8015
RAL 8016
RAL 8017
RAL 8019
RAL 8022
RAL 8023
RAL 8024
RAL 8025
RAL 8028
RAL 8029
RAL 9001
RAL 9002
RAL 9003
RAL 9004
RAL 9005
RAL 9006
RAL 9007
RAL 9010
RAL 9011
RAL 9016
RAL 9017
RAL 9018
RAL 9022
RAL 9023
Incompatible avec l'option
Matte RAL colourMagnetic cladding painted in the RAL colour of your choice, matte finish
2 Colour central junction magnetic cover
See the option
Raw cover
180,00 €
Incompatible avec l'option
Raw coverRaw HPL magnetic cladding, to be painted or laminated by your care
Matte white
240,00 €
Incompatible avec l'option
Matte whiteMagnetic cladding covered with a matte white finish laminate
Matte black
240,00 €
Incompatible avec l'option
Matte blackMagnetic cladding covered with a matte black finish laminate
240,00 €
Incompatible avec l'option
ChestnutMagnetic cladding covered with a Chesnut finish laminate
240,00 €
Incompatible avec l'option
TeakMagnetic cladding covered with a Teak finish laminate
Loft wenge
240,00 €
Incompatible avec l'option
Loft wengeMagnetic cladding covered with a Loft Wenge finish laminate
Ash larch
240,00 €
Incompatible avec l'option
Ash larchMagnetic cladding covered with a Ash larch finish laminate
Textured black
360,00 €
Incompatible avec l'option
Textured blackMagnetic cladding covered with a textured black finish laminate
Dove-grey Concrete
420,00 €
Incompatible avec l'option
Dove-grey ConcreteMagnetic cladding covered with a Dove-grey concrete finish laminate
420,00 €
Incompatible avec l'option
CortenMagnetic cladding covered with a Corten finish laminate
Satin-finish steel
420,00 €
Incompatible avec l'option
Satin-finish steelMagnetic cladding covered with a Satin-finish steel laminate
Satin gold
420,00 €
Incompatible avec l'option
Satin goldMagnetic cladding covered with a satin Gold finish laminate
Satin bronze
420,00 €
Incompatible avec l'option
Satin bronzeMagnetic cladding covered with a satin Bronze finish laminate
Satin black
420,00 €
Incompatible avec l'option
Satin blackMagnetic cladding covered with a satin Black finish laminate
Matte RAL colour
420,00 €
RAL 1000
RAL 1001
RAL 1002
RAL 1003
RAL 1004
RAL 1005
RAL 1006
RAL 1007
RAL 1011
RAL 1012
RAL 1013
RAL 1014
RAL 1015
RAL 1016
RAL 1017
RAL 1018
RAL 1019
RAL 1020
RAL 1021
RAL 1023
RAL 1024
RAL 1026
RAL 1027
RAL 1028
RAL 1032
RAL 1033
RAL 1034
RAL 1035
RAL 1036
RAL 1037
RAL 2000
RAL 2001
RAL 2002
RAL 2003
RAL 2004
RAL 2005
RAL 2007
RAL 2008
RAL 2009
RAL 2010
RAL 2011
RAL 2012
RAL 2013
RAL 3000
RAL 3001
RAL 3002
RAL 3003
RAL 3004
RAL 3005
RAL 3007
RAL 3009
RAL 3011
RAL 3012
RAL 3013
RAL 3014
RAL 3015
RAL 3016
RAL 3017
RAL 3018
RAL 3020
RAL 3022
RAL 3024
RAL 3026
RAL 3027
RAL 3028
RAL 3031
RAL 3032
RAL 3033
RAL 4001
RAL 4002
RAL 4003
RAL 4004
RAL 4005
RAL 4006
RAL 4007
RAL 4008
RAL 4009
RAL 4010
RAL 4011
RAL 4012
RAL 5000
RAL 5001
RAL 5002
RAL 5003
RAL 5004
RAL 5005
RAL 5007
RAL 5008
RAL 5009
RAL 5010
RAL 5011
RAL 5012
RAL 5013
RAL 5014
RAL 5015
RAL 5017
RAL 5018
RAL 5019
RAL 5020
RAL 5021
RAL 5022
RAL 5023
RAL 5024
RAL 5025
RAL 5026
RAL 6000
RAL 6001
RAL 6002
RAL 6003
RAL 6004
RAL 6005
RAL 6006
RAL 6007
RAL 6008
RAL 6009
RAL 6010
RAL 6011
RAL 6012
RAL 6013
RAL 6014
RAL 6015
RAL 6016
RAL 6017
RAL 6018
RAL 6019
RAL 6020
RAL 6021
RAL 6022
RAL 6024
RAL 6025
RAL 6026
RAL 6027
RAL 6028
RAL 6029
RAL 6032
RAL 6033
RAL 6034
RAL 6035
RAL 6036
RAL 6037
RAL 6038
RAL 7000
RAL 7001
RAL 7002
RAL 7003
RAL 7004
RAL 7005
RAL 7006
RAL 7008
RAL 7009
RAL 7010
RAL 7011
RAL 7012
RAL 7013
RAL 7015
RAL 7016
RAL 7021
RAL 7022
RAL 7023
RAL 7024
RAL 7026
RAL 7030
RAL 7031
RAL 7032
RAL 7033
RAL 7034
RAL 7035
RAL 7036
RAL 7037
RAL 7038
RAL 7039
RAL 7040
RAL 7042
RAL 7043
RAL 7044
RAL 7045
RAL 7046
RAL 7047
RAL 7048
RAL 8000
RAL 8001
RAL 8002
RAL 8003
RAL 8004
RAL 8007
RAL 8008
RAL 8011
RAL 8012
RAL 8014
RAL 8015
RAL 8016
RAL 8017
RAL 8019
RAL 8022
RAL 8023
RAL 8024
RAL 8025
RAL 8028
RAL 8029
RAL 9001
RAL 9002
RAL 9003
RAL 9004
RAL 9005
RAL 9006
RAL 9007
RAL 9010
RAL 9011
RAL 9016
RAL 9017
RAL 9018
RAL 9022
RAL 9023
Incompatible avec l'option
Matte RAL colourMagnetic cladding painted in the RAL colour of your choice, matte finish
3 Completion of the metallic parts
See the option
Standard : Natural Aluminium
Incompatible avec l'option
Standard : Natural AluminiumNatural Aluminium door frames, internal coating and bottle holders
Black door frames and handles
888,00 €
Incompatible avec l'option
Black door frames and handlesThe door frames and handles are laquered with a matte black powder coating. Internal coating and bottle holders remain in natural aluminium
All Black finish - int. and ext. - Black
3840,00 €
Incompatible avec l'option
All Black finish - int. and ext. - BlackAll the metallic parts inside (beams, panels, bottle holders) and outside (door profiles, frame, handles and flanks) are painted in matte black. Depending on model, some small parts (screw caps, shelf supports) may remain in stainless steel finish
4 Remote control by mobile app
See the option
No remote control
Incompatible avec l'option
No remote controlThe appliance is controlled by a regulator on the front panel (On/Off, temperature setting, lighting).
Remote control by mobile app
696,00 €
Incompatible avec l'option
Remote control by mobile appRemote control of the appliance's parameters via a dedicated mobile application (temperature setting, alarms, LED lighting, etc.). Also allows remote support and assistance. App in English or Italian
5 Colour & control of the LED lighting
See the option
Natural white without control
Incompatible avec l'option
Natural white without controlNatural white LED light (4000-4500°K) without dimmer, switch control (or mobile app if connected appliance)
Colored light - dimmer & remote control
528,00 €
Incompatible avec l'option
Colored light - dimmer & remote controlColored RGB LED lights with remote control to choose various colours, sets lighting effects and the dimmer. White colour is a cold white (6000-6500°K)
Connected RGB coloured lighting
696,00 €
Incompatible avec l'option
Connected RGB coloured lightingRemote control of the RGB coloured LED lighting with dimmer and lighting effects (only if Remote control option selected)
Dynamic white - dimmer & remote control
672,00 €
Incompatible avec l'option
Dynamic white - dimmer & remote controlLED light with dimmer remote control and adjustable colour from warm white (2700°K) to cold white (6000°K)
Connected dynamic white LED lighting
840,00 €
Incompatible avec l'option
Connected dynamic white LED lightingRemote control of the white LED lighting with dimmer and lighting effects (only if Remote control option selected)
6 Acoustic & Domestic Packs
See the option
Standard Set-Up
Incompatible avec l'option
Standard Set-UpNot recommended for domestic installation
Acoustic Pack
2544,00 €
Incompatible avec l'option
Acoustic PackThe noise level of the device is significantly reduced thanks to an Inverter compressor, a silent axial fan system and a phonic insulation of the compressor box
Domestic Pack
3156,00 €
Incompatible avec l'option
Domestic PackAcoustic Pack + Reduced brightness of display lighting + use of low-intensity warm white LEDs + Active carbon filter
7 Activated carbon filter
See the option
Without filter
Incompatible avec l'option
Without filterNo carbon filter included into the cabinet. Recommended for cabinets mainly used for service.
With filter
216,00 €
Incompatible avec l'option
With filterCabinet equipped with an activated carbon filter. Recommended for cabinet mainly used for storage and whose doors are not frequently opened.
8 Altimeter valve - Installation at altitude
See the option
Without valve
Incompatible avec l'option
Without valveSuitable for any installation below 1000m altitude
With altimeter valve
888,00 €
Incompatible avec l'option
With altimeter valveNecessary for any installation above 1000m of altitude
9 Voltage
See the option
220 Volts / 50 Hz
Incompatible avec l'option
220 Volts / 50 HzIn France, as in most other European countries, alternating current usually distributed at a voltage of 220 Volts and a frequency of 50 hertz
115 Volts / 60 Hz with ETL mark
1332,00 €
Incompatible avec l'option
115 Volts / 60 Hz with ETL markModification of electric parts to enable compatibility with voltage and frequency 115V/60Hz
10 Electrical socket type
See the option
Standard - F-type socket
Incompatible avec l'option
Standard - F-type socketStandard socket used in Europe (except UK)
B-type socket
84,00 €
Incompatible avec l'option
B-type socketType of socket mainly used in North America (USA, Canada, Mexico), Japan and the French West Indies
G-type socket
84,00 €
Incompatible avec l'option
G-type socketType of socket mainly used in Great Britain, Ireland, Malaysia, Malta, Singapore and the Arabian Peninsula
J-type socket
84,00 €
Incompatible avec l'option
J-type socketType of socket mainly used in Switzerland
Capacity : 240 bottlesCALICE DESIGN MODULAR PRO ACI-TMR26004MI
18720,00 € INCL TAX
Technical data
General features :
Capacity of the model :
232 bottles
Installation :
Free standing, Built-it models
Level of range :
Upscale and refined
Door version :
Sliding (UV-resistant double glazing)
Model colour :
Customizable and Interchangeable
Door frame colour :
Natural aluminium (optional matte black)
Installation temperature min / max :
16°C / 32°C
Climate rating :
Warranty :
2 years parts, labour and travel
Equipment :
Humidity :
Suitable for service and storage up to 3-5 years, but not for long term ageing
Hygrometer :
Carbon filter :
Adjustable feet :
Lock :
Adaptable interior:
Lighting :
Full height lateral LED lighting
Temperature number :
2 Multi-Temperatures
Range of adjustment :
Adjustable from 4 to 16°c
Setting :
Display :
Digital and Exterior
Technologies :
Cold production :
Static cooling or circulated by compressor
Heat production :
Automatic defrost
Winter function :
No vibration :
Compressor mounted on anti-vibration damper
Type of gas :
R290 (R600A if acoustic / domestic pack)
Electrical power (w) :
Dimensions :
Dimensions :
H1853*W1720*D530 mm
Net weight :
241.5 kg
Packaging dimensions :
H2060*W2000*D800 mm
Gross weight :
363 kg
Volume :
3.3 m3
Origin of manufacture:
The information may contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. They are not contractual and are subject to change without notice.
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